Father’s Help Unit 3 MCQ | Best Possible Questions

In this post, we have provided several MCQ type questions from the chapter Father’s Day.
Students studying under WBBSE for Madhyamik Exam (class 10th board exam) can practice this Father’s Help Unit 3 MCQ to strengthen their preparation on this very chapter.

1. The idea that has occurred to Swami as he entered the school gate?
a. Deliver the letter to the headmaster at the end of the day.
b. Not to deliver the letter.
c. Tear the letter up.
d. Not to go to the school.

2. What was the subject Samuel was teaching when Swami entered the class?
a. English
b. Geography.
c. Arithmetic.
d. Algebra.

3. What did Swami hope Samuel would do?
a. Scold him severely.
b. Get him out of the class.
c. Call his parents.
d. Take him to the headmaster.

4. Swami was late to school by –
a. One hour.
b. Quarter of an hour.
c. Ten minutes.
d. Half an hour.

5. What was Swami’s reason for being late in the class?
a. He had a fever.
b. He had a headache.
c. He couldn’t get up at time.
d. He was struck in a jam.

On our site, we have already published the complete solution of all the exercises of ‘Father’s Help’, here are the links to all 3 exercises of Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 of Father’s Help.

Father’s Help Unit 1 Questions Answers
Father’s Help Unit 2 Questions Answers
Father’s Help Unit 3 Questions Answers

6. According to Samuel, Swami’s father was –
a. Partially wrong.
b. Quite right.
c. Completely right.
d. Completely wrong.

7. Where did Samuel asked Swami to go?
a. To the headmaster’s rom.
b. Outside of the classroom.
c. To his sit.
d. To his home.

8. What’s was Swami’s feeling when he sat down?
a. Swami was sad.
b. Swami was overjoyed.
c. Swami was tensed.
d. Swami was bewildered.

9. Swami thought that he had never met anybody as good as ____.
a. His cousin.
b. His mother.
c. His headmaster.
d. His teacher Samuel.

10. What was the teacher doing after Swami has sat down?
a. Inspecting home lessons.
b. Writing something on the boards.
c. Teaching arithmetic.
d. Asking questions to students.

11. When Swami thought Samuel used to get most angry?
a. During prayer.
b. During inspecting home lessons.
c. During asking questions to students.
d. During the recess.

12. That very day Samuel appeared very ____.
a. Sorrowful.
b. Happy.
c. Gentle.
d. Worried.

13. What was the reason Swami was unable to do his homework?
a. He was busy with other tasks.
b. He had a headache.
c. He was not present at the school.
d. He didn’t know what the homework was.

14. When did the bell ring?
a. At 4.30 P.M.
b. At 3.30 P.M.
c. At 1.30 P.M.
d. At 4 P.M.

15. After the bell had rang, where did Swami rush to?
a. His home.
b. The headmaster’s room.
c. The teacher’s room.
d. To the canteen.

16. Swami found that the headmaster’s room was ____.
a. Under some maintenance.
b. Opened.
c. Closed but unlocked.
d. Locked.

17. Who informed Swami about the headmaster’s leave?
a. Samuel.
b. Swami’s father.
c. The peon.
d. None of them.

18. The headmaster was on a leave for one?
a. year.
b. month.
c. week.
d. day.

19. What did Swami’s father say as soon as he ran o the headmaster’s room?
a. “I knew the headmaster was on leave.”
b. “I knew you wouldn’t deliver it.”
c. “I didn’t want to send the letter.”
d. “What did the headmaster say?”

20. What did father do to the letter after taking it from Swami?
a. Preserved it.
b. Kept the letter inside a file.
c. Tore it up.
d. Handed it back to Swami.

21. What did Swami do when he found the headmaster’s room locked?
a. Waited for the headmaster to arrive.
b. Delivered the letter to another teacher
c. Posted it in the postbox.
d. Ran away from the place.

Father’s Help Unit 3 MCQ – Advanced Questions:

1. Why did Swami felt sad?
a. Swami expected that Samuel would praise him.
b. Swami felt bad for Samuel.
c. Swami realized that Samuel should behave more friendly with him.
d. Swami realized that Samuel used to behave friendly with him.

2. For which reason Swami wanted to deliver the letter to the headmaster?
a. Swami’s father wanted to tell headmaster about Swami’s studies.
b. Swami’s father wanted to know Swami’s marks in the exam.
c. Swami wanted to register a complain against Samuel to the headmaster.
d. None of the above.

Please note that in this this post about ‘Father’s Help Unit 3 MCQ‘ we have presented 23 questions from the text ‘Father’s Help’ Unit 3. We have tried hard to include all the possible question from this chapter. However, please not that this practice question set should never be considered as a suggestion for the upcoming Madhyamik Examination nor a substitute of textbook. Students are encouraged to read the text and the textbook for deep understanding of the text – Father’s Help.

With the 21 MCQ questions we have also added 2 additional questions for advanced studies. These questions are a bit advanced questions that requires critical analysis of the text and also require students to have a deep knowledge of the text.

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