Our Runaway Kite Unit 3 Questions Answers

Our Runaway Kite is the 5th chapter of the book named ‘Bliss’ – for the students of class 10 (Madhyamik). The chapter is divided into 3 parts – Unit 1, Unit 2 & Unit 3. In this article, we are presenting the complete solution of ‘Unit 2’ of the text Our Runaway Kite. We hope that this solution will help students to solve the textual exercise of Our Runaway Kite unit 2.

Our Runaway Kite Unit 3 – MCQ

7. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

(a) A letter came for father after a
(i) day
(ii) week
(iii) fortnight
(iv) month
Answer: (i) day

(b) Father left home after quarrelling with this
(i) brother
(ii) sister
(iii) aunt
(iv) uncle
Answer: (i) brother.

(c) Dick and Mimi discovered the kite on the top a
(i) roof
(ii) tree
(iii) lighthouse
(iv) light post
Answer: (ii) tree.

Our Runaway Kite Unit 3 – Chart Type Questions

8. Fill in the chart with information from the text:

(a) Person who sent the letter
(b) Name of Aunt Esther’s mother
(c) Total number of family members in the narrator’s family at present


(a) Person who sent the letterAunt Esther
(b) Name of Aunt Esther’s motherPhilippa
(c) Total number of family members in the narrator’s family at presentSix (6)

Our Runaway Kite Unit 3 – SAQ

9. Answer the following questions:

(a) What did Father find when he went back home years afterward?
Answer: When Father went back home years afterward, he found that his brother had died and he also couldn’t find his sister.

(b) Where did Aunt Esther live?
Answer: Aunt Esther lived in the mainland hundreds of miles from the sea.

(c) Why did Aunt Esther turn pale?
Answer: Dick and Mimi found one kite that was patched with the very letter she had once written to her brother. When he brought it home and showed it to Aunt Esther, she turned pale.

Grammar in use

Our Runaway Kite Unit 3 – Do As Directed Type

10. Change the following sentences into questions, as directed:

(a) Shankha lives in Alipurduar. (Information question using ‘where)
Answer: Where does Shankha live?

(b) They have gone to a picnic. (Interrogative sentence using ‘where’)
Answer: Where have they gone?

(c) I went to school yesterday. (Simple question using ‘did’)
Answer: Didn’t I go to school yesterday?
[Note: Did I go to school yesterday? – is not the appropriate answer to this question]

(d) Tia studies in class X. (Information question using ‘which’)
Answer: In which class does Tia studies?

Our Runaway Kite Unit 3 – Creative Writing

Writing activities

11. Suppose your bicycle has a sudden tyre puncture on your way to school. You have taken the cycle to a repair shop. Write an imaginary dialogue (within 100 words) between the shopkeeper and you.

Me: Hi, can you please check this type of my cycle? Looks like that there is a puncture in it.
Shopkeeper: Sure, I can. Please sit here.
Me: How much time will it take?
Shopkeeper: I won’t take too long.
Me: Can you please fix this puncture at the earliest, I am getting late for my school.
Shopkeeper: Of course.

(Checks the tyre & fixes the puncture)
After 10 minutes:

Shopkeeper: Here is your cycle. It was a small pin that had caused the puncture.
Me: Thank you. How much is it?
Shopkeeper: It’s only Rs. 20.
Me: Here you go.

12. Write a story (within 100 words) using the given hints. Give a title to the story.

crow sitting on a tree – piece of meat in its beak – fox passing under the tree – wants the meat – asks the crow to sing – crow keeps meat under its feet and – sings-fooled, fox leaves

The Fox & The Crow

Once a crow sitting on a branch of a tree. It had in its beak a piece of meat which it collected from a nearby meat shop. A fox was passing under the tree. He noticed that crow and thought that if he asks the crow to sing, the piece of meat would fall down, and he would thus steal the meat. So, the fox started to praise the crow by saying that the crow had the most mesmerizing voice he had ever heard and asked the crow if it could sing. After keeping the piece of meat under its feet, the crow began to sing. The fox realized that he has been fooled and he left the place without getting the piece of meat.

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